Company News Company Exhibition

Dragon Boat Festival

02 Jun ● by

粽子zongzi/rice dumplings/sticky rice dumplings) 

A popular food during the Dragon Boat Festival is zongzi. Zongzi are rice-wrapped meat, peanuts, egg yolks or other foods which are then subsequently wrapped in bamboo leaves. The tradition comes from the fisherman on the Miluo River, who dumped rice into the river to stop the fish and shrimp from eating Qu Yuan’s body.

We will have a Dragon Boat Festival holiday from 3rd,June  to 5th,June,if any inquiries,please send email to . 

Best wishes.

Contact info

Qingdao Kingstone Industry Co.,Ltd.

No.88 Baifeng Road Jiaohe Economic Zone 

Huangdao,Qingdao China